Flat Roofing
At MB Roofing we know it’s a well-known fact that traditional felt flat roofs are more susceptible to leaking as water can settle on a flat roof. Where the joins in the felt start to pull apart with constant extremes in temperature, this causes the felt to expand and contract, and they eventually fail.
MB Roofing have the perfect solution. We offer both GRP fibreglass flat roofs and EPDM rubber roofs which have up to three times the average lifespan of a traditional felt roof.
GRP fibreglass is used on the hulls of boats, being waterproof and having no joins, it is the perfect material for flat roofs as it’s completely water resistant.
Rubber is water resistant too and flexible, so EPDM rubber roofs also have a longer life than standard bitumen felt roofs.
MB Roofing experts can advise which option is best for your particular requirements. For a free quote please call 01273 819808 or request a free quote